Photo: Getty Image
The two front runners: Donald trump Republican(l) Hillary Clinton Democrat(r)
Trump romps home on Super Tuesday with at least SIX states - but Ted Cruz takes Texas and a surprise victory in Oklahoma, knocking Marco Rubio out of race for second place
Republican front runner took victory in Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Massachusetts, Tennessee and Virginia
Ted Cruz won in home state of Texas and another win in Oklahoma knocking Marco Rubio out of race for second
Rubio took his only win of the night in Minnesota - a state which his rivals largely ignored on their campaign trails
Trump congratulated Cruz for Texas but said it had been a 'tough night' for Rubio who he called a 'lightweight'
Ben Carson insists he is not ready to end his campaign despite failing to win a single state on Super Tuesday
Hillary Clinton looks set for Democrat triumph after victories in six states compared to Bernie Sander's two

Donald Trump is romping home to a Republican victory, after being declared the winner in six – Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Massachusetts, Tennessee and Virginia – and is leading in the other three, while Hillary Clinton is leading against Bernie Sanders with victories in six states
Donald Trump romped through the second biggest day in American politics – only November presidential elections are grander – etching his name on six trophies in the Republican party's Super Tuesday display case, and hoping for more.
Cruz held on to claim Texas on the strength of an almost single-minded campaign strategy that ceded other southern territories to Trump.
Donald Trump romped through the second biggest day in American politics – only November presidential elections are grander – etching his name on six trophies in the Republican party's Super Tuesday display case, and hoping for more.
Two prizes, Texas and Oklahoma, have eluded his grasp and went to Ted Cruz, a senator from the Lone Star State. But the rest of the night so far belongs to The Donald.
And Marco Rubio claimed Minnesota's caucuses late into the night.
But the rest of the night so far belongs to The Donald.
The billionaire real estate tycoon has been declared the GOP primary winner in Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Massachusetts, Tennessee and Virginia. He's leading in one undecided race and two more will end later.
Cruz held on to claim Texas on the strength of an almost single-minded campaign strategy that ceded other southern territories to Trump.
Partly as a result, the GOP front-runner's early victories set a blowout pace.
The tea party senator later added Oklahoma to his column in an unexpected development: Trump had out-polled him there a week ago by a dozen percentage points.

Donald Trump (pictured with New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie at the Super Tuesday primary election) is romping through the second biggest day in American politics – only November presidential elections are grander – etching his name on six trophies in the Republican party's Super Tuesday display case

Photo: EPA
Ted Cruz, a senator from the Lone Star State, wrestled two victories from The Donald with wins in Texas and Oklahoma
Ted Cruz, a senator from the Lone Star State, wrestled two victories from The Donald with wins in Texas and Oklahoma
Bragging rights will go to the senator in the year's first 'closed' GOP primary, where voters were required to register as Republicans weeks earlier, could go either way.
But the front-runner Trump broke Cruz's serve in return, winning in Arkansas despite trailing there in recent polls.
Eleven states in all hosted Republican presidential primaries or caucuses on Tuesday, and pre-election polling showed Trump with solid leads in eight of the contests.
The results will determine how many delegates who are 'bound' to each candidate will attend this year's Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio.
The Associated Press declared Trump the victor in Georgia – the first decision of the night – almost immediately after polls closed at 7:00 p.m.
With 77.2 per cent of the votes counted in the Peach State, The Donald had a 40-24 lead over Cruz, his nearest competitor. Rubio was just a hair's breadth further back.
By 8:00 p.m. the former reality TV star had punched his nomination ticket in three more states just minutes after their polling places closed for the day.
Virginia jumped into Trump's win column at around 8:45 p.m. Arkansas came at 10:25.
But Cruz's two victories establish that Trump's brand of populism hasn't yet penetrated fully into cowboy country.
In a Super Tuesday speech, Trump congratulated Cruz on his Texas win but took a swipe at Rubio.
'I know it was a very tough night for Marco Rubio. he had a tough night,' Trump told a packed room of journalists and well-wishers at his Mar-a-Lago club in Palm Beach, Florida.
'He is a lightweight as I've said many times before.'
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