Heart-breaking: A newborn baby girl was found in a sewage pipe after her mother flushed her in China
The child was found in Xinping County, south China, on March 20
The child was found in Xinping County, south China, on March 20
Hospital staff called the authority after hearing cries from the sewer
Firefighters spent three hours carefully cutting newborn out of the pipe
Story and live pictures after the cut .... A police investigation is now underway to locate the baby girl's parents
A newborn baby survived being flushed down the toilet in China after her cruel mother abandoned her in a hospital bathroom then fled.
Firefighters spent three hours rescuing the tiny girl who was found in the female public toilet on the second floor of the Xinping County Hospital, in China’s Yuxi City on March 20.
She was covered in blood, stuck in the sewage pipe and barely able to breathe or move. A police investigation is now underway to find her parents, according to Huanqiu.com, an affiliation of the People’s Daily Online.

Shocking: Firefighters spent three hours rescuing the child who was found in the female toilet on March 20
According to reports, hospital staff said the had heard cries coming from a toilet pipe, so they immediately informed the authority.
When rescuers arrived at the scene the child was crying and her situation was very critical.
They used a hammer to break the pipe and get to her so she could get some fresh air.
To prevent someone using the toilet flush, firefighters closed the doors leading into the bathroom and evacuated the surrounding area.
Unfortunately the abandoned baby was stuck in the pipe tight, she could not immediately be rescued, if they forcefully broke the pipeline they would harm her.
After some careful deliberation, firefighters under medical cooperation slowly took the pipe apart bit by bit.

Rescue efforts: Firefighters under medical cooperation slowly took the pipe apart bit by bit to save the girl

Abandoned: The mother is believed to have fled the scene, a police investigation is now underway to find her
The whole rescue process took three hours, throughout the whole rescue the baby was crying constantly which worried the workers.
She has now been taken away by medical staff for treatment. The police were contacted and there is now an investigation into finding her biological parents.
Sadly their are many similar cases like this in China, in September 2014 a newborn baby girl was discovered wedged inside a sewer pipe at a Chinese university after her student mother gave birth and then fled, leaving the child behind.
Police believed that the young woman hoped to hide the pregnancy by leaving her helpless daughter to fall down the toilet at her student dormitory in the city of Linyi
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That's so sad! That's a gift from God. It's not a waste. Everything is important.