French intelligence officers believed that Coco Chanel worked as a spy for the Nazis during the Second World War, according to newly released documents
French intelligence officers believed that Coco Chanel worked as a spy for the Nazis during the Second World War, according to newly released documents

Memo reveals designer was suspected to be mistress of German spy

See story and photos after cut .....
Source reported that she was the 'agent of Baron Guenter von Dinklage' Dinklage worked for Nazi intelligence organisation, the Abwehr
Historians released documents from secret services' archives earlier today

French intelligence officers believed that Coco Chanel worked as a spy for the Nazis during the Second World War, according to newly released documents.
An informant had told authorities that the designer was the lover - and agent - of German intelligence officer Baron Hans Gunter von Dinklage.
Historians released documents from the secret services' archives today, which include files on celebrities they deemed suspicious.
An informant had told authorities that the designer was the lover and agent of a German intelligence officer
The French secret service kept files on celebrities they deemed to be suspicious

An informant had told authorities that the designer was the lover of a German intelligence officer
A memo reads: 'A source in Madrid informed us that Madam Chanel was in 1942-43 the mistress and agent of Baron Guenter von Dinklage.' 
A memo reads: 'A source in Madrid informed us that Madam Chanel was in 1942-43 the mistress and agent of Baron Guenter von Dinklage.' 
A note written in Chanel's file reads:
'A source in Madrid informed us that Madam Chanel was in 1942-43 the mistress and agent of Baron Guenter von Dinklage.'
'Dinklage used to be an attache at the German embassy in 1935. He worked as a propagandist and we suspect him of being am agent.'
The file also suggests that Chanel was documented an agent by Nazi intelligence organization, the Abwehr, according to researchers. 

The claim has long been considered by historians but this is the first official document showing French authorities also suspected the fashion designer had links to the Nazis.
The archives from World War II offer a unique insight into underground operations led by both the Nazis and the French resistance.
Following a government decision in 1999, hundreds of boxes were given to the defence ministry's archives with no classification system. 
Coco Chanel pictured with Winston Churchill's son Randolph at Ascot in the mid-1930s
Coco Chanel pictured with Winston Churchill's son Randolph at Ascot in the mid-1930s
But the documents, stored for years in the archives at the medieval castle of Vincennes, east of Paris, have not been explored by historians until recently.
They include details of operations led by German spies hunting members of the French resistance, the secret activities of London-based General Charles De Gaulle's government and efforts to track war criminals. 
Frederic Queguineur, who is in charge of the secret services' archives, said: 'From the German point of view, they registered Chanel, so it means she potentially could be a source of information, fulfill a mission, work for them. But from her point of view, we don't know if she was really aware of that.'
'We have been captivated by the importance and the richness of these archives, the feeling, in some way, to find documents that had never been seen for 70 years.'
Once the archives have been identified, the public can get access to them but as they are not digitised, people need to go to the Chateau de Vincennes.
The secret services' archives include German documents seized by the French at the end of the war and thousands of individual files of members of the French resistance and investigation files of suspected collaborators. 
Lots of notes provide personal details on people involved in French or German operations. 

De Gaulle's intelligence services in 1943 wrote a note on American-born singer and dancer Josephine Baker, who helped his Free French effort.
It read: 'She demonstrates a tremendous devotion, she is totally unselfish. Keen and vibrant spirit, she is able to render us great services.' 
The archives also include private documents, such as a moving handwritten letter from De Gaulle's niece Genevieve to her 'dear uncle Charles' in which she seeks advice on the better way to serve in May 1943.
The files have been stored for years in the archives located in Vincennes, east of Paris
The files have been stored for years in the archives located in Vincennes, east of Paris
A file on American-born dancer Josephine Baker said that she was a 'keen and vibrant spirit' 
A file on American-born dancer Josephine Baker said that she was a 'keen and vibrant spirit' 

Historians released documents from the secret services' archives, which offer a unique insight into underground operations led by both the Nazis and the French resistance
Historians released documents from the secret services' archives, which offer a unique insight into underground operations led by both the Nazis and the French resistance