Attack: Shareen Willock took all her clothes off while riding in a taxi driven by Arshad Rasool in January
Photo: Mail
Attack: Shareen Willock took all her clothes off while riding in a taxi driven by Arshad Rasool in January

    She suddenly undressed because she thought the driver wanted sex

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    Shareen Willock, 29, took a taxi through London driven by Arshad Rasool    Then the passenger tore off a windscreen wiper and beat him with it
    Willock was fined and given a suspended sentence after admitting assault 

A taxi passenger took her clothes off in the back of a cab because she thought the driver wanted sex, then wrecked his vehicle and attacked him with a bottle.
Shareen Willock, 29, left Arshad Rasool spitting blood after drunkenly attacking him during a taxi journey in London.
A court heard that she was swigging from a bottle when she called a minicab to pick her up from Barnet, North London on January 17 this year.
Willock asked Mr Rasool to take her to East Ham, in East London - but on the way she suddenly undressed, wrongly thinking that the driver wanted to have sex with her.
She then began trashing the inside of his car, breaking an armrest and knocking the satnav off as she climbed into the front seat next to Mr Rasool.

At one point Willock poked the driver in the back of the head, causing him to sustain cuts to his ear, Thames magistrates' court was told.
She demanded the car pull over, then snapped off a windscreen wiper and battered both Mr Rasool and his Toyota with it, costing £1,000 worth of damage.
Willock was given a suspended sentence after she pleaded guilty to causing criminal damage and common assault.
Damage: She pulled off a windscreen wiper from the car and started hitting Mr Rasool with it
Prosecutor Alexa Morgan highlighted extracts from Mr Raspol's victim impact statement in which he described having 'no idea where I was because my satnav was broken'.
The driver added: 'The female got out of the car and I got out as well. She broke the windscreen wiper and hit the windscreen.
'She swung the wiper at the body of my car which caused several dents. She also hit me twice with the wiper on my arms and threw it away.'
Mr Rasool eventually dropped Willock off at a petrol station where the police were called and she was arrested.
Ms Morgan said: 'The complainant suffered a small cut to the back of his ear and spat blood out when he actually got out of his car.'

Sentence: Willock was given a suspended prison sentence and ordered to pay £650 compensation
Sentence: Willock was given a suspended prison sentence and ordered to pay £650 compensation
Mez Motegheria, defending, said 'She does accept fully that her behaviour was wrong and she is remorseful for her actions.
'She does not recall any of the incident but she pleads guilty today and accepts she was intoxicated.'
Magistrate Stephen Bridges told Willock: 'This is an assault of the highest category - you ruined his car.
'All for the sake of we know not what. This assault is so serious that custody is the only option in the circumstances. Your behaviour beggars belief, frankly.'
Willock, from East Ham, was given a 12-week suspended sentence and 180 hours of unpaid work, and ordered to pay £650 in compensation.

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