The dramatic video footage shows prisoners Benjamin Hudon-Barbeau and Danny Provencal escaping from a Montreal detention centre  Photo: le journal de Montreal
The dramatic video footage shows prisoners Benjamin Hudon-Barbeau and Danny Provencal escaping from a Montreal detention centre

Two prisoners escaped custody in Quebec via a helicopter
    Came to light during trial of one of two escapees, Benjamin Hudon-Barbeau
    It took him and fellow inmate Danny Provencal six minutes to flee

  - They were helped by two armed accomplices who tried to haul them up the wall

    Scroll down for video after cut ...

    Astonishing footage shows the nerve-jangling moment two inmates escaped via a helicopter that landed on the roof - and no guards tried to stop them despite it taking six minutes. 
    It was filmed by prison guards in Quebec three years ago and has come to light during the unrelated trial of one of the two escapees, Hells Angels sympathizer Benjamin Hudon-Barbeau.
    Clinging to a rope that was precariously dangling from a helicopter, Hudon-Barbeau and fellow inmate Danny Provencal managed to flee the detention centre.