The twins were interviewed via video link from Perth and This Morning viewers hailed then as 'TV gold'
Anna and Lucy measure their food and water intake to make sure they both eat and drink the same to keep their bodies in sync
30-year-olds from Perth vow to fall pregnant at same time as their bodies 'must be the same'
Appeared on ITV breakfast show, presenters bemused by sisters ...viewers said interview was 'hilarious' and called twins 'TV gold'
Anna and Lucy measure their food and water intake to make sure they both eat and drink the same to keep their bodies in sync
30-year-olds from Perth vow to fall pregnant at same time as their bodies 'must be the same'
Appeared on ITV breakfast show, presenters bemused by sisters ...viewers said interview was 'hilarious' and called twins 'TV gold'
Continue for story and pics....
The presenters had to try and contain their giggles as sisters Anna and Lucy DeCinque, 30, joined them via video link for a chat from their home in Perth.
Phillip, 53, and Holly, 35, were fascinated by the pair who have been crowned 'the world's most identical twins' and share everything - including a boyfriend.

Photo: ITV
Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby try and contain their giggles as they interview identical twins Anna and Lucy DeCinque who speak in unison and complete one another's sentences
Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby try and contain their giggles as they interview identical twins Anna and Lucy DeCinque who speak in unison and complete one another's sentences
The presenters smirked and looked dismayed as questions they put to the twins were answered with them speaking simultaneously and sharing the same opinion.
At one point during the interview, Holly and Phillip flapped their hands in shock as the pair parroted a reply to them in perfect unison.

Photo: ITV
The intrigued presenters said they could have spoken to the twins all day as they had lots of questions about how they share their lives
After speaking to the twins - who said they would love to appear on the ITV show again by coming to the London studios - a bemused Phillip asked Holly 'What just happened here?!'
Holly admitted the interview was 'one of my favourites' and she still had dozens of questions she wanted to put to the inseparable sisters, who shower together and sleep with their boyfriend of four years, Ben, 32, in a king-size bed.

After the bemusing interview, Phillip asked 'what just happened here?!' while Holly said it was one of her favourites
Viewers took to Twitter to agree that they were intrigued by the duo and amused by Holly and Phillip's attempts to interview them.
Jan Rook wrote: 'I have laughed so loud watching this, thank you' and Sammie Lisley agreed writing: 'lol that was hilarious!'
Sam Jenkinson said Holly and Phillip's 'facial reactions made the whole interview!' and Fi Star-Stone said the presenters 'trying to keep a straight face, brilliant.'

The sisters said they would love to come to the UK to be interviewed on This Morning in the London studio
Phillip later Tweeted himself: 'The Twins! OMG!!!' with laughing emojis. His followers replied to say they agreed, calling the twins 'TV gold' and urging This Morning to get them on the sofa and Rylan Clark to get them in the Big Brother house.
During the interview, Anna and Lucy, who have spent nearly £132,000 on cosmetic enhancements to look more alike, admitted they even eat and drink exactly the same to ensure they have identical figures.
During the interview, Anna and Lucy, who have spent nearly £132,000 on cosmetic enhancements to look more alike, admitted they even eat and drink exactly the same to ensure they have identical figures.

Viewers tweeted the show to say how they found the twins hilarious viewing

Phillip Schofield then tweeted to say The Twins OMG!!! after the interview
Anna, who is a minute older than her sister, said: 'We measure all our food, before we eat it, it is a bit of a task.'
Explaining why they did this she said: 'I want my body to look like hers, we want to weigh the same.'
They said they also 'measure out water' to ensure they are drinking the same amount.
'If I get full my sister gets full,' Lucy said.
Holly said she was the most intrigued by their relationship with Ben.
'I can't understand how that works?' she asked them, wondering if they ever got jealous or felt left out if he spent more time with one than the other.

The identical twins share everything, including a bed and their boyfriend, and have vowed they will try and fall pregnant together as well

The pair have both been dating electrical mechanic Ben Byrne, 32, for four years and have claimed they must have children together as their 'bodies need to be the same'
Speaking together and completing the other's sentences, the twins said: 'Our boyfriend Ben is a twin and he understands the bond, he never favours one, there is never any jealousy. If he kisses one, he kisses the other straight away.'
The pair said they are always 'in the mood' at the same time so their sex life stays in unison, with Ben getting 'double the love but needing twice the energy.'
The twins said they don't care what other people think of their unusual love life.

The sisters are both in a relationship with Ben (pictured) and said he gets 'double the love but needs twice the energy' as they are always 'in the mood' at the same time
'Others judges us but we are all happy,' Lucy said.
'They can have their opinion, this is how we want to live our lives and we are not hurting anybody.
'Our mother is very supportive of how we live our lives. We are with each other 24/7 so it is easier to share a boyfriend.'
As previously reported in MailOnline, when the pair want to start a family they intend to get pregnant at the same time.

Before Lucy and Anna underwent extensive cosmetic enhancement, they were still difficult to tell apart

The sisters have spent thousands on identical cosmetic treatments including lip fillers and boob jobs
Phillip and Holly both questioned how they would achieve this and asked how the sisters would cope if it didn't happen.
Phillip warned them: 'You are so obsessed with being identical but one thing you won't be able to control is getting pregnant and having baby at same time.'
They both said if one became pregnant and the other didn't: 'We would try our hardest to make the other pregnant.'
The twins said they would make it possible using IVF if necessary.
The pair have both been dating electrical mechanic Ben Byrne, 32, for four years and have claimed they must have children together as their 'bodies need to be the same'.

Although Lucy and Anna are not ready to fall pregnant yet, they said when they are, they will do whatever it takes to ensure they both have children at the same time

Anna and Lucy measure their food and water intake to make sure they both eat and drink the same to keep their bodies in sync

From an early age Anna and Lucy were inseparable and they went to the same nursery, primary and secondary schools
From an early age Anna and Lucy were inseparable. The sisters went to the same nursery, primary and secondary schools, before enrolling on a beauty course at college together.
They undertake an extensive joint beauty regime to maintain their appearances. Once a week, Anna and Lucy take advantage of infra-red saunas, microdermabrasion and skin peels to maintain the mirror image. They also follow the same exercise routine and keep an identical diet.
The sisters said they share all the same friends and don't have any of their own, they once even shared a job.
Holly asked how they socialise or work if the other is ill and the pair replied that they also get sick at the same time and 'share one another's pain'.

The twins say they get ill at the same time and feel one another's pain

Anna and Lucy have the same friends and don't do anything separately

Anna and Lucy as children. They now have their own YouTube channel
The pair started their own YouTube channel last year and used their videos to explain how they 'feel each other pain and know when each other is sick.'
The duo met Mr Byrne after he added them on Facebook on the suggestion of mutual friends.
'It's my first time with two girlfriends, and to be honest it's very difficult because it has to be 100 per cent even,' Mr Byrne told Woman's Day in July 2014.
'Whatever I do for one I have to do for the other, so it's a fine balance. My mates reckon it's a cool problem to have.'

From an early age Anna and Lucy were inseparable. The sisters went to the same nursery, primary and secondary schools, before enrolling on a beauty course at college together

They undertake an extensive joint beauty regime to maintain their appearances
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