General Lori Robinson (pictured) has been nominated to lead a combatant command, which makes her the first female in US military history to ever do so. The position is one of the most senior in the US military and must be confirmed by the Senate
Photo: AP
General Lori Robinson (pictured) has been nominated to lead a combatant command, which makes her the first female in US military history to ever do so. The position is one of the most senior in the US military and must be confirmed by the Senate 

    US Defense Secretary Ash Carter said President Barack Obama plans to name Robinson as head of the US Northern Command
Robinson will be the top general overseeing activitives in North America
Position is one of the most senior and must be confirmed by Senate

President Barack Obama has nominated the first female in US military history to lead a combatant command. 
US Defense Secretary Ash Carter announced on Friday that the president plans to name General Lori Robinson head of the US Northern Command.
The position is one of the most senior in the US military and must be confirmed by the Senate.

Last year Carter opened all combat roles in the US military to women, which allowed for about 220,000 positions for women

Photo: AP
US Defense Secretary Ash Carter (left) announced on Friday President Barack Obama's (below) plans to name Robinson head of the US Northern Command

Robinson, who now leads US air forces in the Pacific which allowed her to become the first female four-star to command combat forces, will be the top general overseeing activities in North America.
President Barack Obama plans to name Robinson head of the US Northern Command
She entered the military in 1982 and has held multiple positions as an air battle manager, including instructor and commander of the Command and Control Operations Division at the Air Force Fighter Weapons School. 
'General Robinson, it just so happens, would also be the first ever female combatant commander,' Carter said, disclosing Obama's plans to nominate her.
'That shows yet another thing - which is that we have, coming along now, a lot of female officers who are exceptionally strong. And Lori certainly fits into that category,' Carter said at an event hosted by Politico.
Carter also announced Army General Vincent Brooks, the commanding general of U.S. Army Pacific, would be nominated to become the next commander of US Forces in South Korea. 
If appointed, Robinson would replace Admiral Bill Gortney, who has had the position since 2014.

If appointed, Robinson (pictured) would replace Admiral Bill Gortney, who has had the position since 2014
Photo: Pacific air Forces Public AffairsIf appointed, Robinson (pictured) would replace Admiral Bill Gortney, who has had the position since 2014
Last year Carter opened all combat roles in the US military to women.
'America's force of the future,' he said, must be able to benefit from the 'broadest possible pool of talent'.
The move opened up about 220,000 positions to women in 52 different specialties, including elite special operations units.