Australian television presenter Lee Lin Chin (left) has channelled Lara Bingle's 2006 tourism campaign (right) for a new advert

    Australian television presenter Lee Lin Chin has featured in a new adve SBS's The Feed released promo video for upcoming forum on lockout laws
   She stands in empty Kings Cross asking:
'Where the bloody hell are you?'
    Advert is a parody of Tourism Australia's 2006 campaign with Lara Bingle 

Story and pics after cut ......

Australian television presenter Lee Lin Chin has channelled Lara Bingle's 2006 tourism campaign for a new advert.
The video, created by SBS's The Feed to advertise their upcoming forum on lockout laws, depicts Lee Lin standing on a deserted Kings Cross strip with her hands on her hips, exclaiming: 'Where the bloody hell are you?'
The 30-second promo is a parody of Tourism Australia's 2006 video that featured a bikini-clad Lara Bingle standing on a picturesque beach, delivering the famous line.