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Friday, February 12, 2016

100,000 Nigerians live outside Nigeria as refugees... Say what??

'This has got to be a typo. This is simply the under statement of 2016'
How about those 'Forza' babes. Those are refugees too.
Anyway,  who is counting.

Nigerian refugees fleeing to Chad. Photo: UNHCR Tracks

The United States Assistant Secretary for African Affairs, Ms Linda Thomas-Greenfield, said, yesterday,
“More than a million Nigerians have been forced from their homes. Close to 100,000 Nigerians are living outside of Nigeria as refugees. Thousands of families, ordinary people, have been impacted by Boko Haram. And these people have serious concerns that urgently need to be addressed."

Speaking further she  said: “We’re also working with governments to look at broad economic development in the regions affected by Boko Haram by encouraging businesses to invest in those areas. We are also working with the governments to ensure that those who have been victims of Boko Haram receive the assistance that they require to rebuild their lives.” 

US Secretary of State for Africa, Linda Thomas-Greenfield                  Photo: NAL Council

In a related comment  Mr Michel Arrion, the Head of European Union Delegation to Nigeria and ECOWAS, has said there were more Nigerian nurses in Europe than in Nigeria.
The EU official explained that there were almost 9,000 Nigerian illegal migrants in Europe in 2014. He said: “In 2014, Nigerians accounted for an estimated 8,700 of the 283,532 irregular migrants entering EU borders, many of who risked their lives crossing the Mediterranean. “However, majority of Nigerians enter and reside in EU legally and millions of Diaspora Nigerians are residing in the EU. “As a regional economic power, Nigeria is also on the receiving end of migration, attracting an estimated three million labour workers from neighbouring countries. In the first half of 2015, Nigerian citizens ranked ninth of all persons granted international protection in EU’s 28 member states. “Nigerian nationals are the most numerous among non-European victims of trafficking in human beings and they are also the most numerous among traffickers.”

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The EU official explained that there were almost 9,000 Nigerian illegal migrants in Europe in 2014. He said: “In 2014, Nigerians accounted for an estimated 8,700 of the 283,532 irregular migrants entering EU borders, many of who risked their lives crossing the Mediterranean. “However, majority of Nigerians enter and reside in EU legally and millions of Diaspora Nigerians are residing in the EU. “As a regional economic power, Nigeria is also on the receiving end of migration, attracting an estimated three million labour workers from neighbouring countries.

In the first half of 2015, Nigerian citizens ranked ninth of all persons granted international protection in EU’s 28 member states. “Nigerian nationals are the most numerous among non-European victims of trafficking in human beings and they are also the most numerous among traffickers.”

Courtesy: Vanguard
The United States Assistant Secretary for African Affairs, Ms Linda Thomas-Greenfield, said, yesterday, that about 100,000 Nigerians were currently living outside as refugees in neighbouring countries.

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The United States Assistant Secretary for African Affairs, Ms Linda Thomas-Greenfield, said, yesterday, that about 100,000 Nigerians were currently living outside as refugees in neighbouring countries.

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